Data theft. You hear about it in the news on nearly a weekly basis. Hackers are targeting small businesses like yours more and more. It helps to understand a few of the more popular ways in which hackers are gaining access to private information so that you can work pro-actively to train team members to protect your company’s and client’s data. We will show you three of the most common hacking attacks to look out for, coming up next.
Today’s data thieves are able to gain access to confidential business and customer data through an ever-increasing number of creative hacking schemes. Sometimes they use the data to get a ransom, other times they simply sell info to the highest bidder. No matter the reason, a data breach can cause serious harm to your business. Let's take a look at three of the more common ways digital thieves steal data and how to protect your business from falling victim to these attacks:
Number one. Phishing. Email phishing is one of the oldest, and most successful, web hacking techniques out there. Using this technique, perpetrators send out mass emails that appear to be an authentic communication. They attempt to trick the recipient into providing the hacker with compromising information. Within your company, it’s important to provide ongoing training and education about these types of attacks. Remind team members to be on the lookout for suspicious e-mail attachments, pop-up screens asking for personal information, and hackers posing as authority figures looking for personal or confidential data.
Number two. Breaking weak passwords. The use of overly simple passwords or not changing the default password that came with your computer, modem, or Wi-Fi router is one of the most common ways hackers gain access to your network. To help prevent this, change all default passwords when you acquire new equipment and software, and train your team to use strong passwords. The most secure passwords are ones that use a combination of letters, numbers and special characters. Having a password policy in place is a must in today’s business environment.
Number three. Malware. Whether you are looking for a freeware or shareware versions of Microsoft Office or looking to save some money by using software from a grey-market website, consider that by going the free route you are potentially introducing malware, viruses, or “buggy” software into your system. Teams of hackers design and offer free versions of popular software with back doors and viruses that can harm your network. So unless you know that software is absolutely safe, it’s best to spend the money for a tested commercial version from a legitimate vendor.
By protecting your company against these common methods of attack, your business can better prevent loss of confidential information and proprietary data. If you're interested in learning more about the benefits and best practices of cybersecurity give us a call, we'd be glad to help.
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