5 Tips for Cybersecurity
A guide to protecting your business
Small businesses are under attack. Right now, extremely dangerous and well-funded cybercrime rings in China, Russia and the Ukraine are using sophisticated software systems to hack into thousands of small businesses to steal credit cards and client information, and swindle money directly out of your bank account. Some are even being funded by their own government to attack small, virtually defenseless businesses.
if 2016 was the year hacking went mainstream, 2017 will be the year hackers innovate.The days of single-target ransomware will soon be a thing of the past. Next-generation ransomware paints a pretty dark picture as the self-propagating worms of the past, such as Conficker, Nimda, and Code Red, will return to prominence—but this time they will carry ransomware payloads capable of infecting hundreds of machines in an incredibly short time span.
The days of single-target ransomware will soon be a thing of the past. Next-generation ransomware paints a pretty dark picture as the self-propagating worms of the past, such as Conficker, Nimda, and Code Red, will return to prominence—but this time they will carry ransomware payloads capable of infecting hundreds of machines in an incredibly short time span.
We have already seen this start to come to fruition with the recent attack on the San Francisco Municipal Transport Agency, where over 2,000 systems were completely locked with ransomware likely spread on its own as a self-propagating worm. As cybercriminals become more adept at carrying out these tactics, there is a no doubt that these attacks will become more common.
As more devices become internet-enabled and accessible and the security measures in place continue to lag behind, the associated risks are on the rise. Aside from the obvious risks for attacks on consumer IoT devices, there is a growing threat against industrial and municipal IoT as well.
As a business owner, you owe it to yourself to start taking preventive measures to protect YOUR business. Do not be complacent, because the cyber thugs who are after your money are not.
In this report, we will outline:
- What are the risks for small business that gets hit with a ransomware
- Why ransomware is an imminent threat to any business
- What is the weakest link in your line of defense against cyberthreats
- What are some of the best practices you can take TODAY to prevent this from happening to your business
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