2019 Has Been a Banner Year For Hackers: a High-Water Mark for Data Breaches and Ransomware
Could YOU Be Their Next Hacking Victim?
You have probably seen the news about this year’s big, splashy cyber crimes, victimizing business giants like Microsoft and Capital One as well as major governmental agencies and municipalities such as Baltimore MD and Albany NY, hospitals and perhaps one of the scariest targets, airports. Earlier this year, Cleveland Hopkins International Airport was hit with Ransomware, with planes in the air hoping to land. Not a good time for Air Traffic Controllers’ screens to go blank.
While it’s very easy to dismiss these hacks as targeting only the largest and most well-known companies, it’s scary to think of all the data we have in our businesses that we would never want in the hands of any criminal.
Small Business Are Actually A Cybercriminal’s Favorite Target
Why? Because small business owners are not prepared and make it easier on criminals. One of the biggest issues facing small business owners in the fight against cybercrime is the lack of a cybersecurity plan. While 83% lack a formal plan, over 69% lack even an informal one. And over half of small business owners believe that cybercrime will never affect them.
Cyber-attacks cost SMBs an average of $188,242 each incident, and nearly two-thirds of the businesses affected are out of business within 6 months. A study by Verizon showed that over 80% of small-business cybercrime victims were vulnerable because of insufficient network security (wireless and password issues ranked highest). With secure networks and no formal plan to combat them, we make it easy on the criminals.
Fight Back Against Cybercriminals With This Free Report:
“5 Tips for Cybersecurity: A Guide to Protecting Your Business”
This free report outlines in plain, non-technical English common mistakes that many small business owners make with their computer and network security that put their personal information and identity at risk of being stolen.
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