If You Already Set Your Team Up To Work From Home WITHOUT Implementing The Right Cyber Security Measures, You’re Now MORE VULNERABLE To A Cyber-Attack
Business owners today are recognizing the benefits of allowing their employees to work remotely from home. Their team gets more done at home while the owners can save quite a bit on overhead. Problem is, too many business owners sent their employees home without even considering cyber security. Now, hackers and cybercriminals practically have a welcome mat to their financial information and customer data!
If you already set up your employees to work from home, it’s not too late. But make sure you fix your security vulnerabilities ASAP.
VULNERABILITY #1: Working Without An Enabled Firewall. Of course you have a firewall INSIDE your office to prevent cyberthreats from hitting your network. However, you also must make sure EVERY work-from-home computer, device and router has its firewall enabled. Our team can walk you through enabling your firewall.
VULNERABILITY #2: Setting Up At-Home Computers Without Antivirus Software. Whether you have just a handful of employees or hundreds, you’ll want to have antivirus software installed on EVERY at-home computer. Your firewall acts as your first line of defense. Your antivirus software is your next line of defense by detecting, blocking and in some cases removing malware. Call us for our recommendation of the best antivirus software.
VULNERABILITY #3: Not Securing Home Routers. If your employees made no changes to their home routers when they began working from home, hackers may have easy access to your IT network and private data. First, make sure they changed their router password. Second, the encryption should be set to WPA2 or WPA3. Third, you should switch WPS to Off. For more information about securing your home router, call us at 818-805-0909.
VULNERABILITY #4: Beware Of Remote Desktop Tools. Certainly you want some members of your team to access your IT network. This is accomplished with remote desktop tools. Problem is, a 2019 Check Point study found security issues with some of today’s most popular Windows and Linux remote desktop tools. We will be happy to share our top recommendations.
Whether your company now has a remote work environment or if you’re thinking about pulling the trigger, we can help…
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