Three Reasons to Run a Managed Firewall


If you’re running a firewall to help keep your business safe and it’s not actively managed, you could be setting yourself up for serious problems. In this video, we’ll outline three reasons you should run a managed firewall, coming up next.

Firewalls are a pivotal part of your company’s digital security system. If you’re not actively monitoring and maintaining it, you’re putting your company at risk. Here are three reasons to start using a managed firewall service:

Number 1. Security Risks – No software solution is bulletproof. New threats are developed by hackers constantly. Without the latest security patches, your firewall could be a liability. By using a managed firewall solution updates are vetted and done frequently to ensure the safest network possible.

Number 2. 24/7 Monitoring and Alerting – With a managed firewall your company will have a professional team proactively monitoring your network so they can respond in real-time to active threats. Without it, your firewall could be hacked and you may not even know it.

Number 3. Increased company productivity – Managed firewalls are constantly updated for the latest attack vectors. By blocking hacking and other malicious activities your employees enjoy a faster network with less downtime. When using a managed firewall service, in the event a problem does arise you have a team that can get you back up and running quickly.

If you want to have a fast and stable network that can keep hackers out, a Managed firewall service is your best bet. If you’d like to find out more about how a managed firewall solution can help your business, give our team a call.

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