Top Tech Picks For SeniorsWhen we think about seniors, we often think about older people who are totally out of touch with technology. The reality is a bit different. Consider someone who’s turning 65 today, as you’re reading this. He or she has probably spent the greater part of his or her career working with and using technology on a daily basis. It’s not like they’re strangers to technology, or have never been exposed to it. Quite to the contrary, today’s seniors were part of the generation that invented most of the stuff we take for granted.

Even so, once you retire, there’s a tendency to pull back and disconnect and unplug from the technology you relied on so heavily when you were in business. All that is to say, you don’t have to worry much that a retiree won’t understand, recognize, or know how to use the technology you decide to give as a gift. That’s’ almost never going to be the case, and with that in mind, here are some great gift ideas for the senior in your life:

A Smartphone or Tablet

Even if the retiree for whom you’re shopping has one, they’ll be every bit as thrilled with the latest model as anyone else will, so if they’re using an older model, this gift will be greatly appreciated. It’s no secret that our eyesight tends to get worse over time, so this is an especially good pick if the newer model gives an upgrade to a larger display screen. Not only will a larger display be great, but also seniors are able to utilize smartphones and tablets to communicate with loved ones through video Skype, Facetime, and other programs that allow face-to-face communications.


It’s true that an E-Reader is no substitute for the heft and feel of an actual, hardbound book, but it’s becoming an increasingly popular choice for casual reading. This, of course, makes it an excellent choice as a gift idea for retirees, who will no doubt have more free time to read a novel or publication in their spare time. With a number of new e-book subscriptions available, there can be an endless supply of reading material for any senior looking to add to their lifestyle with a good book.

Health and Fitness Apps/Accessories

There are an increasing number of apps to track your health and fitness, including apps that provide gentle reminders about when to take your medication. All of the best ones require a nominal fee, and may require certain accessories in order to function with a handheld device. These types of devices can help to motivate and regulate a senior’s day-to-day life.

Any of these ideas will make excellent gifts for seniors. Though it is easy to think that newer technology will be difficult to learn, you might be surprised at just how quickly technology is being adopted by today’s older generation.

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