The internet browser is the #1 application used in business today. Whether you have your entire network operation in the cloud or you rely heavily on internet-based applications, it’s the internet whose wheels are always turning.

With the rise of a largely remote workforce and the hybrid work model and the growing use of SaaS (Software as a Service) applications the key methodology of work and collaboration has become highly ‘browserized’. The internet is the road on which all enterprise travels.

While this has provided a big boost for workplace productivity, with most of a company’s data streaming over broadband has certainly heightened security efforts from IT support teams across the globe. Partly in answer to these potential new vulnerabilities, we have seen a rapid rise in Enterprise Browsers over the last year.

In March of this year, Menlo Security released a report highlighting the fact that, in the last twelve months, two thirds of all organizations have had a least one device that had fallen victim to a browser-based cyber-attack. This trend is growing, not receding.

In that same month, Google published a security blog detailing a massive rise in threats affecting all Chromium-based browsers, and that the trend there was also growing.

The fact is that your internet browser is also an application you do not control. You can set up available security measures to your best advantage, and your IT services provider can configure more protections, such a Virtual Private Network (VPN) for online communication

One might think that, except for specific features, all browsers are about the same. This was once true, but we have been watching the rise of Enterprise Browsers, which are created specifically for business end-users. Most companies still use consumer browsers for business: Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari, and so forth.

The problem is: Consumer-grade technology does not provide the security necessary for secure enterprise operations.

What is an enterprise browser?

An enterprise/industrial browser is a powerful Chromium based industrial browser that enables developers to build feature-rich web applications that integrate seamlessly with the features in mobile computing devices such as smart phones and tablets and other peripherals. It is a feature-rich mobile application development tool that allows users to seamlessly integrate the browser into the native peripherals of any device.

First, the end-user will not notice the difference – whether on a desktop at the office or on a remote device in the field. In fact, Enterprise Browsers can work alongside and provide enhanced protections with consumer browsers like Chrome. These browsers will place heightened security in the hands of the organization. Among the areas that will be better managed and controlled:

1) Usage
2) Web application interactions
3) Data protections
4) Superior encryption technology
5) Safe browsing/ Web filtering
6) Zero-trust access
7) Exploit prevention
8) Smart network routing
9) The ability to intercede in unsafe down

Mike Fey, the CEO of notable Enterprise Computer maker ‘Island’ said, “Think of it as a browser with infinite last-mile control for enterprises. We’ve done things to harden the environment, encrypt items and provide more control. We’re not necessarily removing the hacker. We’re removing the victory. The reality is that the data they want to access isn’t sitting on your endpoint for them to steal it.”

Along with Island, the most notable companies also offering industrial/enterprise browsers are Zebra, Citrix, Talon, and Authentic8.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is an industrial browser?

A:  Simply put, an industrial browser is the precursor to the enterprise browser. Both are engineered to put more control In the hands of the business.

Q: What are industrial computers called?

A: The name referred to is Industrial PC – denoting a computer that is specially used in the industrial world that can also be used as an industrial controller.

Q: What is Island browser?

A:  Island leads the field in Enterprise Browsers. According to Dr. Edward Amoroso, TAG Cyber’s CEO and senior analyst, “Island's Enterprise Browser is an important strategic control that can significantly enhance existing Zero Trust Network Access technologies. Further, Island Private Access introduces new deployment options, providing maximum flexibility for protection of private and semi-private applications.”

Q: What is the #1 best browser?

A: Early, reliable statistics are not yet available for enterprise browsers, but considering the explosion of capital flowing into Island and their EB, they seem to be leading the pack in the salad days of this technology.

On the consumer side, Google Chrome continues to dominate, with 65.52 % market share worldwide. The nearest competitor is Safari, with 18.78 % market share. Google’s lead is more than comfortable.

Q: Which browser is fastest?

A:  According to ‘The Best Web Browsers of 2022’ from, Chrome takes home the roses, beating competing browsers in three out of four tests.

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