IT Support LA


Why email Authentication is More Essential Than Ever

If you have noticed more buzz about email authentication lately, there is a very good reason for it: Phishing continues to grow as the main cause of data breaches and security incidents. ...

Tips for Spotting Deepfakes

Seeing is not necessarily believing these days. It’s not just a matter of seeing a video of a celebrity saying something outrageous and then finding out later that it was a deepfake. ...

The Advantages of Microsoft Security Copilot

There is no denying that keeping up with the ever-evolving cyber threat landscape can be challenging. Organizations need to both process ever-increasing amounts of data and to respond to incidents quickly and effectively. ...

Has Your Smart Home Been Hacked?

Even as they rise in popularity, smart home devices continue to pose some serious security risks. ...

Tips for Managing Cloud Waste

Fresh from the ‘Duh’ Files: Businesses operate differently now than they did 20 years ago. In fact, they operate differently in one major aspect than they did even 5 years ago. ...

What Happens Next in Cybersecurity?

Every year, without fail, we see a pronounced uptick in the number and sophistication of cyber threats as crooked, ‘evil technology’ continues to evolve. If Cybersecurity fails to evolve with it, businesses worldwide are doomed to catastrophe. ...

New Insights into Cyber Hygiene & Security

Digital connectivity is the undisputed King of Commerce these days. With the massive amount of business conducted through cyberspace, underestimating the importance of cybersecurity is a fatal flaw. ...

How AI is Improving Cybersecurity

In the last few years, relentless digital innovation has redefined the way aspects of how we work. ...

The After-effects of a Data Breach

You suffered a data breach, got it cleaned up, instituted stronger Cybersecurity measures, and perhaps even had to pay substantial fines. Once past it, you say, “Whew! I’m glad that’s over!” ...

What’s New in Microsoft Edge?

Here at IT Support LA, we can sound like a broken record when it comes to network security, but there’s an excellent reason to harp on it. ...


IT Support LA


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