While efficiency, productivity, and competitiveness are driven by intelligence, dedication and ‘Good Old American Know-How’, technology plays a more pivotal role every year. But technology is a tool and cannot replace a steady hand at the helm. The wise captain recognizes the value of technology and how to use it to their advantage.

For Small and Mid-size Businesses (SMBs), workforce technology modernization is both an opportunity and a challenge. It can make a small enterprise seem bigger, but without the proper guidance and implementation, it can run the risk of becoming unwieldy.

Modern technology can empower small businesses when they choose to embrace it. It can give a distinct competitive edge and help them thrive in this digital era. The fly in the ointment is that many SMBs don’t keep up with technological modernization. For example, over 30% of small businesses haven’t upgraded systems in 4+ years.

Some of the reasons SMBs don’t upgrade their tech include:

Limited available funds

Unsure how to modernize technology

Stuck in the “it works, so don’t fix it” mentality

There are many benefits to upgrading technology. One study found the following: 45% of businesses modernizing tech saw improved ROI for IT investments. Other important benefits include improved employee retention and decreased security risk. Not to mention the productivity and time-saving advantages.

If your small business is looking to modernize its workforce technology, here are 10 steps to get you started:

  1. Assess Your Current Technology Landscape

Assessment is always the first step in an endeavor of any kind, but especially in a technology modernization initiative. How will you know what you need without taking stock of what you have now? You need to fully understand your current technological infrastructure.

Start by identifying existing strengths and weaknesses, including outdated systems and areas where technology could enhance business processes. Understanding your starting point is crucial. It helps in developing a targeted and effective modernization strategy.

  1. Align Technology Goals with Business Objectives

Technology is integrated with your business goals – not some isolated component. It is a strategic enabler aligned with your business goals, so you need to clearly define how technology can support and enhance your business objectives. Whether you want to use technology to improve customer engagement or streamline internal processes and expand your market reach. Ensure that your technology modernization efforts align with your overarching business vision.

  1. Cloud Adoption

If you are not operating fully or at least partially in the cloud, you should take a serious look at it. The cloud has emerged as a game-changer for businesses of all sizes. Embracing cloud technologies can offer small businesses several important benefits, including scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness.

Consider one of two ways to do this:

1) Migrating key applications and data to cloud platforms. This can enhance accessibility, collaboration, and data security. Cloud solutions can also simplify software updates and maintenance. This frees up resources for other strategic initiatives.

2) Moving operations completely to the cloud, starting with the implementation of a full cloud platform, like Microsoft 365 or Google Workspace.

  1. Make an Investment in Better Collaborative Tools

Communication and collaboration are essential for small businesses, but they must be effective. Marshall some of your resources toward collaborative tools and platforms that ease seamless interaction among team members, regardless of their physical location. Establish or improve tools for video conferencing, project management, and document sharing. These tools can enhance teamwork and productivity, fostering a cohesive work environment even in remote or hybrid setups.

  1. Examine your Cybersecurity Measures

With today’s increasing prevalence of cyber threats, network security should be a top priority for small businesses undergoing technology modernization. If you are not covered in this area, put in place robust defensive measures. Focus on protecting sensitive data, customer information, and your critical business assets.

Cybersecurity measures include:


Antivirus software

Regular security updates

Employee training

Threat identification & response

  1. Embrace Mobile-Friendly Solutions

Mobility is King these days, so adopting mobile-friendly solutions is key. Ensure that you've optimized business applications and platforms for mobile use, allowing employees to work efficiently from various devices anywhere. This enhances flexibility and accommodates the evolving expectations of the workforce. Employees value the ability to work on the go.

  1. Examine Remote Work Options

Most businesses have been down this road since COVID, and many have gone back to an ‘in-office’ or hybrid work model, but there is still a huge remote workforce out there. The global shift towards remote work has accelerated. SMBs should prepare to embrace flexible work arrangements by modernize their technology infrastructure to support remote and hybrid options. These provide employees with the tools and connectivity they need and helps them maintain productivity outside of the traditional office environment.

  1. Use Automation for Efficiency

SMBs can reap substantial benefits from automation, which can significantly improve operational efficiency. Identify repetitive, time-consuming tasks and look at how to automate them to streamline workflows. Look at things like customer service chatbots and automated invoicing systems. Embracing automation can free up valuable human resources and reduce the risk of errors in routine tasks.

  1. Training and Support is a MUST

Introducing new technologies requires a commitment to ongoing training and support for your workforce. Don’t just throw your workers into the deep end of the pool: ensure that employees have the necessary skills to leverage the new tools effectively. This may involve providing training sessions, creating user-friendly guides, and offering a support system to address any issues that may arise during the transition.

  1. Adapt to Evolving Technologies

Technology is not static – it’s a dynamic field, a constantly moving target. Staying ahead requires a commitment to watching and adapting to emerging trends. Regularly assess the technology landscape. Work with your IT services provider. We'll help you identify new solutions that could benefit your business. A proactive approach to staying current ensures your small business remains competitive.

Frequently Asked Questions

What's the main advantage of using Microsoft 365 over Google Workspace?

While they are both great platforms, according to Style Factory, one key reason to choose Microsoft 365 over Google Workspace is: “The inclusion of its desktop apps — most 365 plans give you access to fully installable versions of the classic Microsoft applications (Word, Excel, Powerpoint and so on). These tend to be more feature-rich than the Google equivalents and can be used easily online.”

Here at IT Support LA, we are partners with both Microsoft and Google, so we offer clients our expertise on both platforms. While we recommend both for different reasons, our office and operational infrastructure runs on Microsoft 365.

Which cloud service type is best?

It depends on your company’s needs. In general, Microsoft wins the day, with Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google close behind. AWS and Google produce a good-enough product, but both companies’ trustworthiness in the marketplace remains a question mark. Google fails to guarantee not to sell your data (a major source of their profits), and both have been known to shut down or censor enterprises for nebulous or political reasons.

Following the introduction of cloud computer Windows 365, coupled with the improvements and rebranding of Office 365 to Microsoft 365, Microsoft has sealed the gaps that other cloud providers are still just patching together. Theirs is a platform that is truly fully integrated and negotiates full cloud operations with ease and the best security.

On C-Sharp Corner, Mahesh Chand provides an intriguing breakdown in his ‘Top 10 Cloud Service Providers of 2023'.

What is AI vs automation?

AI and automation are often used in tandem, but they both have distinct purposes. AI, incorporating machine learning and advanced algorithms, learns from data, adapts, and makes decisions without explicit programming. Automation simply executes predefined tasks, reducing manual intervention and enhancing efficiency.

What does it mean to be mobile friendly?

Generally, the meaning of mobile friendly is that your website performs well on a mobile device like a phone or tablet. Some use the term to describe the use of business apps on mobile devices, such as Quickbooks, Zoom, Teams, etc.

How secure is your network?

As a reputable member of the IT Support Los Angeles community since 2002, IT Support LA offers a FREE, no-risk network and Cybersecurity assessment. It is a non-intrusive scan that allows us to deliver a comprehensive report that is yours to keep. No strings, and no obligation to ever use our Managed IT Services.

The best defenses are expert Cybersecurity to protect your data from theft, and a top-notch Managed Services Provider to ensure continued reliability and defenses against newly emerging threats.

With our 100% Money Back Guarantee in writing, we offer a risk-free way for prospective clients to try us out. Because we do not require a ‘hard’ contract, our clients can fire us at any time with 30 days’ notice. We have to be good.

Among the Managed IT services we provide:

IT HelpDesk Service
Onsite IT Support
Cloud migration and management
Email migration services
Backup and disaster recovery
VoIP phone systems
IT disposition and recycling
Office moves
White label services (IT to IT)

IT Support LA is an award-winning Managed Services Provider (MSP):
o  3 Years awarded Best IT by the Small Business Expo
o  Awarded 2nd best company of any type in the US by the Small Business Expo SB100
o  Awarded Best IT in California by Channel Futures
o  Winner of Best IT in Los Angeles by Channel Futures
o  Listed as one of the world’s Top 501 MSPs by CRN and in the top 250 in the ‘Pioneer’ listing
o  4 years listed as one of the Top 501 MSPs in the World by Channel Futures
o  Listed as #21 MSP in the World in Channel Futures NextGen 101
o  Globee 2021 Bronze Award winner for Chief Technology Officer of the Year
o  Globee 2022 Gold Award winner for Chief Technology Officer of the Year
o  Named one of 2022’s 50 ‘Best’ businesses in California by UpCity
o  Named one of 2023’s 50 ‘Best’ businesses in California by UpCity
o  Named Best of IT Services winner by UpCity
o  Winner of Local Excellence Award for 2021, 2022 and 2023 by UpCity
o  Named Best of Cloud Consulting winner by UpCity
o  Certified as Top Managed Services Provider and Cybersecurity Pro by UpCity
o  Named Best IT in Los Angeles by Expertise.com.

Need Help Upgrading Your Workforce Technology?

Workforce technology modernization is not a one-size-fits-all endeavor. It's a strategic journey that requires careful planning. As well as alignment with business objectives. By embracing these practical strategies, small businesses can leverage technology. And use it to enhance their operational capabilities. They also position themselves for sustained success in the digital age.

Need help with workforce technology modernization? Give us a call today to schedule a chat and take advantage of our FREE network and Cybersecurity assessment.
